Splashing and fluttering on the surface will add activity to your spread and can be difference between success and failure.
Made to exaggerate the effect of your trolling rig system, this teaser creates a splattering and fluttering action on the water surface for a wider reach of displacement. Whether it is used as a lead on a daisy chain or as pieces of the daisy chain itself, this exciting tool will ensure you invite more unsuspecting predators.
It can be added in front of a lure to provide extra-attraction or to keep a straight path on windy days.
Exciter Birds can be used in a variety of ways:
- Use as a lead on a daisy chain.
- Connect the Exciter Bird in front of your favourite lure as an attractor or to keep high rigger lures tracking straight in windy conditions.
- Make up an Exciter Bird Daisy Chain.